Almost a third of the world’s plastic waste is polypropylene, a hardy…
Fungi stores carbon from fossil fuel emissions
Researchers are now calling for fungi to be considered more heavily in…
Gombából készült, fenntartható és tűzálló anyag mentheti meg az otthonaink
Elbúcsúzhatunk a lakástüzektől, a gombák gyökérszerű hálózatából, azaz micéliumából készült fenntartható és…
Biodegradable bodyboards made from mushrooms
The Magical Mushroom Company wants to produce bodyboards from mushrooms and hemp…
Lion’s Mane mushroom is the key to next go-to vegan steak
Occasionally, even vegans and vegetarians crave the robust heartiness of a classic…
Harvesting, peat and straw are the largest issues for mushroom industry
According to the GEPS (European Mushroom Producers Group), EU countries produced about…
Understanding the Differences Between Mycoproteins
Mycoproteins are becoming increasingly popular in the food industry, but the quality…
Mycoprotein and fungal proteins – The sustainability potential
Mycoprotein and fungal proteins take up less land than animal farming, and…
Biggest Ukrainian mushroom farm Veres ceased production
The mushroom and compost production of the Veres company in Kaniv, Cherkasy…
France bans plastic packaging
From July 1, 2023, a new decree banning selling unprocessed fruit and…