Magote EU

European button mushrooms producers formed a group

The GEPC (European mushroom producer group) promotional campaign is starting. With a budget of €5 million – 675,000 of which to be invested in Italy – the aim is to increase consumption in those European areas where there is still scope to do so due to their inhabitants and potential.

An innovative campaign aimed mainly at young people, who will be provided with information on the health and nutritional aspects of the product with an eye to affordability and ease of preparation.

Promotional campaigns are always an important moment to promote the product and they must be associated with actions carried out by each single company. Our messages will be different from those of companies, as they will be published on social media with messages focusing on product preparation, ease of use and on the importance of making potential clients aware of the sustainability of the product.

Not many in fact know that mushrooms are at the center of great interest of the United Nations as part of the Goals – Zero Hungers, program, which identified the product – still underused in Europe – as one of the solutions for many countries that need to find sustainable food sources with a low environmental impact and containing both vitamins and protein. The payoff of the campaign is “European mushrooms: the hidden gem“.

Source: Freshplaza

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