Vertical and horizontal gene transfer shaped plant colonization and biomass degradation in…
Month: August 2023
Mushroom’s moment: Is the trendy item set to become a grocery cart staple?
In the first half of 2023, the humble mushroom has been enjoying…
Despite rising food costs, consumers continue to reach for the versatile mushroom
There’s something inherently “extra” about mushrooms. Sure, they slay as a flavorful…
What happens to your body when you eat mushrooms
There are so many different types of mushrooms. A member of the…
Common fungus eliminates toxic mercury from soil and water
A University of Maryland researcher and colleagues found that the fungus Metarhizium…
Fungi can break down tough plastic in 140 days
Almost a third of the world’s plastic waste is polypropylene, a hardy…
Fungi stores carbon from fossil fuel emissions
Researchers are now calling for fungi to be considered more heavily in…
Gombából készült, fenntartható és tűzálló anyag mentheti meg az otthonaink
Elbúcsúzhatunk a lakástüzektől, a gombák gyökérszerű hálózatából, azaz micéliumából készült fenntartható és…